The group thought about what you said. We took a vote, and you're in. وقمنا بتصويت ، وستنضم إلينا
This man is Abasi Sawatha, he's the leader of an obscure Yemeni terror group thought to be sympathetic to Latif. انه زعيم جماعة إرهابية يمنية غير معروفة يُعتقد انه مُتعاطف مع (لطيف).
Conspiracy groups think that the agents died from friendly fire, even though two independent investigations proved that they died because of shots from the compound. مجموعات المؤامره تظن بأن العملاء توفوا بنيران صديقه, على الرغم من وجود اثنين من التحقيقات المستقله
Bob Rae, the Liberal Party's foreign affairs critic, stated that Neumann was entitled to his opinions but that he was "surprised and disappointed" that the parliamentary group thought Mr. Neumann had something positive to contribute. وصرح بوب راي، ناقد الشؤون الخارجية بالحزب الليبرالي، بأن نيومان كان مخولاً بآرائه، لكن «كان مندهشاً وخائباً» من أن الجماعة البرلمانية اعتقدت أن السيد نيومان لديه شيء إيجابي يساهم به.